PAU ARAGÓN 2011 JUNIO INGLÉS OPCIÓN A Working mothers - common issues


Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE),
Universidad de Zaragoza,
curso 2010-2011.

Examen realizado el martes 14 de junio de 2011.
Working mothers - common issues
Advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother.

Descarga aquí en formato pdf el enunciado del examen y los criterios de corrección.


1.- Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text to justify your answer.
(3 points)
a) Working is now a necessity for most mothers.
  TRUE: ... in today's tough economic climate the bulk of families can no longer afford to live on one wage.
b) According to a survey carried out in Britain most working mothers would rather leave their jobs to devote their time to the rearing of their children.
  TRUE: ... close to half of all working mothers would prefer to be full-time mothers...
c) Unpaid leave is hardly ever applied for by women.
  FALSE: Many working mothers have to take annual leave or unpaid leave in order to stay home and care for their sick children.
2.- Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text. Use your own words.
(2 points)
a) Is housework still 'woman's work', according to the author?
  Yes, women still do most of the tasks about the house.
  NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.
El pasaje relevante del texto es:
Working mothers still perform most of the household chores...
Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré.

b) In what way is it more acceptable socially to have a mother rather than a father looking after their sick children?
  Society attaches more importance to men's work, which is better paid and should not be interrupted because of a child feeling unwell.
  NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.
Si entendemos como socialmente aceptable lo que de hecho ocurre en la sociedad, entonces cabría responder con las razones citadas en el texto:
... the father earns a higher wage, his job responsibilities are deemed more important and employers are more likely to accept a mother staying at home to care for sick children than a father.
Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré.

3.- Complete the following sentences. The meaning should be the same as that of the sentence above.
(2 points)
a) In my opinion you should quit that job.
  If I were you I would quit that job.
b) Circumstances have forced her to take annual leave to stay at home and care for her sick parents.
  She has had to take annual leave to stay at home and care for her sick parents.
  She has been forced to take annual leave to stay at home and care for her sick parents.
c) 'Be careful what you say at work!'
  He warned me to be careful what I said at work.
d) Stress loads are higher than ever for working mothers. They are having fewer children.
  Since stress loads are higher than ever for working mothers, they are having fewer children.

  Propuesta incorrecta recibida (haz clic en ella para ver el comentario):

4.- Write a composition with the following title (80-120 words):
(3 points)
  Advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother.

2 comentarios:

  1. una pregunta en la frase del since de la opcion A. se podria poner el since a mitad?. yo lo puse asi.

    Stress loads are higher than ever for working mothers since They are having fewer children.

  2. Anónimo dijo...

    una pregunta en la frase del since de la opcion A. se podria poner el since a mitad?. yo lo puse asi.

    Stress loads are higher than ever for working mothers since They are having fewer children.

    20 de junio de 2011 22:14

    Gracias por tu consulta.

    T mayúscula aparte, tu oración es gramaticalmente correcta.

    Sin embargo, el ejercicio pide completar las oraciones ya comenzadas, no simplemente utilizar las palabras dadas. Podrías haber resuelto este problema simplemente invirtiendo las oraciones:

    Since they are having fewer children, stress loads are higher than ever for working mothers.

    Otra cosa es su significado, porque ¿cuántas madres trabajadoras estarían de acuerdo con lo que planteas?:

    Como tienen menos niños, los niveles de estrés de las madres trabajadoras son más altos que nunca.

    Desprovista de un contexto que defienda un supuesto efecto calmante de tener niños, mucho me temo que incluso reordenada no te diesen por buena la respuesta.
