Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE),
Universidad de Zaragoza,
curso 2009-2010.

Examen realizado el lunes 13 de septiembre de 2010.
The best-selling book of 2008
What book would you recommend to a friend? Give your reasons.
(Haz clic en el enunciado destacado en rojo para ver la redacción hecha, corregida y comentada.)


1.- Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text to justify your answer.
(3 points)
a) Two years after its publication, Twilight joined the list of Best Children's Books.
  FALSE: Twilight... became an instant bestseller when published originally in 2005. That same year, Twilight was named one of Publishers Weekly's Best Children's Books of 2005.
b) The book has been a literary success outside the United States.
  TRUE: The novel... has sold 17 million copies worldwide... and been translated into 37 different languages.
c) The apple may be interpreted as the symbol of forbidden love between the main characters.
  TRUE: ... the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the Book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden...
2.- Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text. Use your own words.
(2 points)
a) Is Twilight only known in the printed version?
  No, a film version has been made of it too.
b) What relationship does the author establish between her work and the Bible?
  She draws parallels between the symbolism in the Bible and her work: the love the main characters feel for each other is forbidden, like the apple in the Bible.
  NOTA: las respuestas de esta pregunta 2 son simplemente dos propuestas entre otras posibles. Añade las tuyas como comentario a esta entrada y las comentaré.
3.- Complete the following sentences. The meaning should be the same as that of the sentence above.
(2 points)
a) "Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents. However, it became an instant bestseller when published in 2005.
  Even though Twilight had initially been rejected by 14 agents, it became an instant bestseller when published in 2005.
  Even though Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents, it became an instant bestseller when published in 2005.
b) The year of its publication they sold foreign rights to the novel to over 26 countries.
  The year it was published they sold foreign rights to the novel to over 26 countries.
c) Initial reviews for Twilight were mostly positive. For this reason, it ranked first in the New York Times Best Seller list.
  Because initial reviews for Twilight were mostly positive, it ranked first in the New York Times Best Seller list.
d) "In my opinion, this novel is realistic, subtle and easy to follow", she said.
  She said that in her opinion this novel was realistic, subtle and easy to follow.
  She said that in her opinion this novel is realistic, subtle and easy to follow.
  She said that in her opinion that novel was realistic, subtle and easy to follow.
  She said that in her opinion that novel is realistic, subtle and easy to follow.
4.- Write a composition with the following title (80-120 words):
(3 points)
  What book would you recommend to a friend? Give your reasons.

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