Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE), Universidad de Zaragoza, curso 2010-2011. Examen realizado el martes 14 de junio de 2011. |
TEXTO PROPUESTO: The King's Speech |
REDACCIÓN PROPUESTA: Tell a friend about a film that moved you and the values it portrayed. |
Descarga aquí en formato pdf el enunciado del examen y los criterios de corrección. |
1.- | Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text to justify your answer. (3 points) |
a) | The importance of the radio is highlighted in the film. |
TRUE: The social and political background, acutely observed, ... the arrival of the sound media as a major force in our lives. | |
b) | In this film George VI does not seem to play a relevant role at the beginning of World War II. |
FALSE: ... and finally, in 1939, the outbreak of a war for which the king and queen became figureheads of immeasurable national significance... | |
c) | The story presented clearly supports the maintenance of the monarchy in Britain. |
FALSE: The King's Speech ...far transcends any political arguments about royalty and republicanism. | |
2.- | Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text. Use your own words. (2 points) |
a) | What kind of a hero is depicted in the film? |
The film depicts a courageous, responsible man learning to fight and get over his speech problems. | |
NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Los pasajes relevantes del texto son: ... a man overcoming a serious disability... Its themes are courage, responsibility, and the necessity to place duty above personal pleasure or contentment. Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré. |
b) | What other key figures and moments of the British monarchy play a part in the film? |
The death of George VI's father and the crisis caused when his eldest brother, the next king, abdicated for love. | |
NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Los pasajes relevantes del texto son: ...the death in 1936 of George V, ... the accession to the throne of his eldest son as Edward VIII and his almost immediate abdication in order to marry American double divorcee Wallis Simpson... Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré. |
3.- | Complete the following sentences. The meaning should be the same as that of the sentence above. (2 points) |
a) | There is a great social gulf between the king and the speech therapist but they eventually become friends. |
Although there is a great social gulf between the king and the speech therapist, they eventually become friends. | |
b) | She said: 'Does the cast list name the actress playing Elizabeth II?' |
She asked meif the cast list named the actress playing Elizabeth II. | |
She asked mewhether the cast list named the actress playing Elizabeth II. | |
c) | The stammer had tortured Albert since childhood. |
Albert had been tortured by the stammer since childhood. | |
d) | He doesn't try hard enough. He will not be able to overcome that speech impediment. |
Unless he tries harder, he will not be able to overcome that speech impediment. | |
4.- | Write a composition with the following title (80-120 words): (3 points) |
Tell a friend about a film that moved you and the values it portrayed. | |
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