Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE), Universidad de Zaragoza, curso 2009-2010. Examen realizado el miércoles 9 de junio de 2010. |
TEXTO PROPUESTO: The first Olympic Games |
REDACCIÓN PROPUESTA: Try to convince a friend to join you in a sports activity, giving your reasons. (Haz clic en el enunciado destacado en rojo para ver la redacción hecha, corregida y comentada.) |
1.- | Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text to justify your answer. |
a) | The Olympic Games were originally celebrated once a year until 393 BC. |
FALSE: The Games were usually held every four years. | |
b) | The Games were used for several purposes, apart from the sports competition. |
TRUE: Politicians would announce political alliances at the Games...priests would offer sacrifices to the gods for victory...The Games were also used to help spread Hellenistic culture throughout the Mediterranean. | |
c) | Any Greek citizen was allowed to participate. |
FALSE: ... only free young men who spoke Greek could compete. | |
2.- | Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text. Use your own words. |
a) | How many cities hosted the Games in ancient Greece? |
The Games were just celebrated at one city in ancient Greece, Olympia. | |
b) | In what way were the ancient Olympics different from contemporary games? Give two examples. |
The ancient Games were much shorter than the modern ones and women were banned from competing in most events. | |
NOTA: las respuestas de esta pregunta 2 son simplemente dos propuestas entre otras posibles. Añade las tuyas como comentario a esta entrada y las comentaré. |
3.- | Complete the following sentences. The meaning should be the same as that of the sentence above. |
a) | "It's a pity they didn't permit women athletes to compete. |
I wish they had permitted women athletes to compete! | |
b) | During the Games sculptors created statues of Olympic visitors and displayed their works of art. |
During the Games, sculptors used to create statues of Olympic visitors and display their works of art. | |
c) | The organizers awarded the winner of an Olympic event an olive branch. |
The winner of an Olympic event was awarded an olive branch by the organizers. | |
d) | " I have read that single women were allowed to watch the races", he said to me. |
He said he had read that single women were allowed to watch the races. | |
He said he had read that single women had been allowed to watch the races. | |
4.- | Write a composition with the following title (80-120 words): |
Try to convince a friend to join you in a sports activity, giving your reasons. | |
Buenas, podría ser:
ResponderEliminar2 a) In the Olympic GFames of ancient Greece participated many citiziens Greek moreaver some athletes left the army to participate in the olympics.
b) The ancient Olympics there were less events that the modern games also the male athletes had forbidden to participate in the classic games.
3 a) I wish that the women athletes could compete.
Anónimo dijo...
ResponderEliminarBuenas, podría ser:
2 a) In the Olympic GFames of ancient Greece participated many citiziens Greek moreaver some athletes left the army to participate in the olympics.
b) The ancient Olympics there were less events that the modern games also the male athletes had forbidden to participate in the classic games.
3 a) I wish that the women athletes could compete.
4 de septiembre de 2010 13:30
Gracias por tu consulta, anónimo de las 13:30.
2.a) Tu respuesta no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con lo que plantea el enunciado How many cities hosted the Games in ancient Greece?, es decir ¿Cuántas ciudades fueron sede de los juegos etc.?. Repásalo y vuelve a proponer una respuesta.
2.b) Solo aciertas a medias, y las oraciones tienen sus fallos. Necesitas fewer que es contable, en lugar de less, que no lo es. Deberías separar tus oraciones con un punto y seguido o utilizar una conjunción. Tu segunda oración es incorrecta en cuanto a contenido, ya que eran las mujeres las que tenían prohibida la participación. En cuanto a la prohibición en sí, lo que se prohibe con forbid es o bien algo o bien alguna actividad. Si se trata de excluir a alguna persona, deberías usar ban:
...female athletes were banned from the games.
3.a) Tu respuesta es incorrecta por la elección del tiempo verbal. Estamos hablando de un momento lejano en el pasado. Tu respuesta habla de algo que desearías ocurriera ahora. Otra opción, además de la que ofrecí en primer lugar, podría ser:
I wish that women athletes could have competed
por favor pon examenes anteriores ¡MUY URGENTE!
ResponderEliminarLamento decir que en las próximas semanas no me será posible subir más exámenes resueltos, por cuestiones de tiempo.
ResponderEliminarEspero que lo que sí he podido ir publicando haya sido de utilidad y confío en poder retomar la publicación de respuestas más adelante.
Gracias a todos por vuestro interés.